It's two weeks today since I had my gallbladder surgery. At this time two weeks ago, I was sitting in a pre-op waiting room with my parents (hubby stayed home to look after the boys) suffering from a pounding headache and extreme nausea, either caused from the gallbladder attack the night before or from lack of sleep with the boys being up all night teething - either way, I was feeling horrible and couldn't wait to get into surgery, as I figured any sleep (even drug induced) would take away the nausea and headache I was suffering. It would also get me away from the family sitting next to us in the waiting room who obviously found silence uncomfortable and felt the need to talk about anything to avoid a moment's silence, including someone they knew of who went in for minor day surgery and came out with a cancer diagnosis and is now on her death bed - just what someone wants to hear as they're going in for surgery! Anyway, after waiting for hours in that dreadful room, I was finally called in and woke up a couple hours later feeling much better...a bit sore, but no headache/nausea!
My parents came to stay with us while I recovered. It was great to have them around, taking care of the boys and helping us out with laundry, cooking, etc. Even though there were more helping hands around, the boys wanted their Mommy and it killed me to have them reach out for me, begging to be held. They are going through a needy phase (which started about a month ago); they are ok playing together until they see Mommy or Daddy and then they want to be picked up and whine/cry until you do or until something distracts them. It didn't get any better with me not being able to pick them up or hold them for over a week, but I'm hoping it doesn't last much longer - I can pick up/hold/carry them now, but if it were up to them, I'd be doing that 100% of the time, which obviously doesn't work, especially since there are two!
As I mentioned, both boys are teething again. They each popped tooth #7 last week, Nicholas has #8 coming through now and Lucas won't be far behind. Another mother told me recently that the "neediness phase" that they are going through may be related to their 1 year molars starting to come through - teething is just full of wonderful things, isn't it?! Both are great babies and we are really lucky that they are happy and healthy, so I really shouldn't complain, it could be a whole lot worse than teething!
As for me, I haven't exercised in two weeks. I'm feeling well, but not back to my regular energy level (maybe a day or two of sun would help with that!) - after a looking after the boys all day, I don't have enough energy for exercise at night, but I'm hoping to get some activity in the next day or two, as it doesn't take much to get out of a routine and I've come too far now to get back into a rut! I am now down 38lbs from my pre-pregnancy weight, but still need to keep working at it. Remember the jeans that I mentioned in a previous post that finally fit again after years of sitting on a shelf?! Well, they are back to not fitting again, but this time it's because they are too big :)
Well, the boys are having their afternoon nap and there are things for me to do (where does all the laundry come from?!), so I guess I better get back at it!
Thanks for reading,
Daphne :)